The Community We Serve
NSS provides services to intellectually disabled adults with emotional and behavioral challenges, visual impairment, mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, orthopedic impairments, epilepsy, speech impairments, etc.
More About Us
NorthStar Special Services, Inc. was started in 2007. We are a nonprofit 501(C) 3 company that cares for adults with disabilities. We are funded 100% by the State of Maryland and all of our clients come from them as well.
Our main office is located at:
106 Old Court Road, Suite 205
Pikesville, Maryland 21208
Our Day and Supported Employment Programs are located at:
9633 Liberty Road, Suites E,F, and G
Randallstown, Maryland 21133
We currently have openings in our Day and Supported Employment Programs.
To make a referral, please go through your Service Coordinator and have them call:
Yolanda Collins Case Management Supervisor 410 922-4931 or dayipc@northstar-ss.org